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Double-ended 10ft clinker-built skiff -, This sweet 10ft clinker-built double-ended skiff looks extremely difficult to build, at least to me - but it's wonderfully pretty nevertheless.
Traditional boatbuilders at tradboat, For a list of boat builders specialising in boats of traditional style, both new build and restoration, scroll down the page..

Wooden boat restoration, repair and maintainence., Wooden boat restoration, how to fix up an old wooden boat, one of the cheapest ways to get afloat and have a boat to be proud of..
Annapolis wherry - denman marine, Denman marine specialises in custom wooden boat building and repair. we utilise both traditional methods such as carvel or clinker and modern methods such as strip.
Stark bros - boat building - marine engineering, lyttelton, Boat building. stark bros ltd has built boats since its beginnings in 1958. most vessels have been of a commercial nature, designed and built in.

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Pictures Clinker built boat repair

Clinker Built Boats | Wooden Boatbuilders

Clinker Built Boats | Wooden Boatbuilders

Loch Lomond | The Boatwright

Loch Lomond | The Boatwright

 restores a Troy, and plans to make clinker dinghy drawings available

restores a Troy, and plans to make clinker dinghy drawings available

Burnham Scow |

Burnham Scow |

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